Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2011.040 "Copper Cauldron"

If there's any inspiration at all for today's entry it's how, if we allow them to, the fires of life can cause a refining of the human spirit - a revelation of something truly amazing we never knew was there before.

Most of you know enough of my story to know the past two years have been extremely difficult for my family and I. There have been many, many, MANY days when I wondered if we would survive the fire we were standing in but we have. In fact we've done more than survive, we've thrived!

Late yesterday I allowed a bit of unhappy news to really drag my mood and my thoughts way out into the desert of despair where I camped out until this afternoon. I didn't even realize how bad I was feeling until I got some more encouraging news earlier today.

I was able to quickly recover by reminding myself that I can let the fires of life burn me out or I can let them burn away the unwanted and ugly things and leave me with something truly beautiful.

This one is called "Copper Cauldron".

Copper Cauldron - 12x12 digipaint
 ~ Lisa

A quick search of Amazon using "refined by fire" resulted in a number of very inspirational books. Here's one I think I'll be checking out: Refined by Fire: Defining Moments of Phenomenal Women

You can purchase any of these blog pieces printed on canvas and stretched over a 1/4" gallery frame through my new website: http://www.lisacantrell.com/

If you would prefer I also offer printing that is wood mounted and smooth matte laminated. You can order these from my ArtFire studio page online at:  http://www.artfire.com/users/LisaCantrell

You are also invited to joing me on facebook :www.facebook.com/lisacantrellart


  1. It looks...delicious. I want to eat that copper cauldron. Or maybe I should just go downstairs and get some cheese.

    Seriously, I dig this one. And not just because it reminds me of chocolate.
