Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011.019 "Sunspot Reflections"

This color theme is beginning to look familiar, isn't it? I have discovered that I am seriously missing the warm sunshine lately and it is definitely showing in everything I am creating. I bet the last three would look pretty cool together on a wall though!

I also seem to be fixated on fractals lately. Not that they are any easier to create, just that I find such beauty in their structure. So much like snowflakes in the way each one is vastly different from the last. This morning I realized just how long I have loved the geometry and intricacy of fractals and hypotrochoids.

When I was a young girl I received a toy called a Spirograph for one of my birthdays. It was one of my most treasured toys. The "vintage" set looked like this:

I was excited to discover there is an updated version of this set. It will be fun to try it out with my boys and see what they think.

Having discovered hypotrochoids, concentric shapes and fractals so early in my life I understand a bit more why I find them so captivating now.

Today's blog piece is another compound fractal that pays tribute to warmer days. This one is called "Sunspot Reflections".

Sunspot Reflections - 12x12 compound fractal

~ Lisa

You can purchase any of these blog pieces printed on canvas and stretched over a 1/4" gallery frame through my new website: http://www.lisacantrell.com/

If you would prefer I also offer printing that is wood mounted and smooth matte laminated. You can order these from my ArtFire studio page online at:  http://www.artfire.com/users/LisaCantrell

You are also invited to joing me on facebook :www.facebook.com/lisacantrellart

If you'd like to try out the updated Spirograph toy you can purchase it online here: Deluxe Spirograph